
Ecommerce plugins > X-Cart

Installation and configuration

Note: The instructions below are for X-Cart 5. If you are using X-Cart version 4.6.2, install Amazon Pay using the instructions available on the X-Cart: Amazon Pay module installation.

  1. Register your Amazon Pay account at
  2. If you haven't already done so, sign in to your Seller Central account and complete the following steps:
    1. Complete your tax interview. Select Amazon Pay (Production View) from the Marketplace Switcher drop-down box at the top of the screen, and click the banner at the top.
    2. Add your bank account information. For more information see the Adding your bank account information in Seller Central for Amazon Pay video on YouTube.
  3. Add your company logo. If you want your company logo to appear in the pop-up window when buyers log in to Amazon Pay, you can upload your logo image in Seller Central (Settings > Integration Settings > Banner Image Location). Banner images must be 520 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall with no animation, and in .jpg or .gif format.
  4. Configure your Instant Payment Notification (IPN) setting in Seller Central, by adding your Merchant URL under Settings > Integration Settings. The URL is HTTPS://<YOUR_XCART_STORE>/payment/amazon_pa_ipn_recv.php.
    • Note that the Sandbox and Production environments each have separate values for this setting.
    • When entering the Merchant URL, be sure to verify that you are in the correct environment. Use the Marketplace switcher drop-down box at the top of the screen to select either Amazon Pay (Production View) or Amazon Pay (Sandbox View).
    • The HTTPS protocol is required when you configure your IPN URL for the production account. HTTP URLs are allowed only for testing in the Sandbox environment, because no private customer data is passed in test mode.
  5. Install the Amazon Pay module:
    1. Log in to the Admin interface of your X-Cart store.
    2. Access Modules and search for Amazon Pay.
    3. Check the box for Enabled and click Save Changes.
  6. Open the module configurations through the Settings option, or by accessing Payment methods > Amazon Pay.
  7. Enter the configuration settings:
    1. Select an Operation mode. Use this to switch between the Sandbox and Production modes for the Amazon Pay integration.
      Test your setup in Sandbox mode. You need to create a Sandbox account to test on your site. For more information see our Creating test accounts in Seller Central for Amazon Pay video. We recommend that you test both the buyer experience and order management functionality of the module. When testing is complete, you can enable the module by setting the Operation mode to Live.
    2. Add your Amazon Pay keys from Settings > MWS Access Key in your Seller Central account.
      • Amazon Seller ID: Enter your Merchant ID from your Seller Central account.
      • Access Key ID: Enter your Access Key ID from your Seller Central account.
      • Secret Access Key: Enter your Secret Access Key from your Seller Central account.
      Note: If you do not see your keys, you need to create them by clicking the link under Create MWS Account.
    3. Select your Currency type.
    4. Select a Capture mode. Select either Authorization then capture or Immediate Charge.
      • Authorization then capture — when the buyer submits their order on checkout, an Authorization will occur for the payment method they selected. You will capture the charge at a later time when you fulfill the order. To actually charge the funds that have been authorized, go to the details page of the respective order in your X-Cart store and click the Capture button.
      • Immediate Charge — when the buyer submits their order on checkout, the payment is both Authorized and Captured at the same time.
    5. Click Apply changes.

Order management

You will manage orders entirely within X-Cart's order management interface, as you would with a standard credit card payment gateway.

Activating and deactivating the module

If the Amazon Pay module is installed, but not active, you can enable (activate) it.

To enable the module:

  1. Go to the Modules section of your store's Admin area (Settings menu > Modules). This opens the list of your store's installed modules.
  2. Locate the entry for the Amazon Pay module and select the check box on the left.
  3. Click Apply changes and the module will be enabled.

It is possible to temporarily disable (deactivate) the installed Amazon Pay module. Deactivation stops the module from operation, but it does not remove any settings you made to the module configuration nor does it clear any data that was generated during the period that the module was in operation.

To disable the module:

  1. Go to the Modules section of your store's Admin area (Settings menu > Modules).
  2. Locate the entry for the Amazon Pay module and unselect the check box on the left.
  3. Click Apply changes and the module will be disabled.